Forest Family Quilt Along Wrap Up
The time has come to wrap up our quilt along for the Forest Family Quilt! I wanted to thank everyone who has played along for this round, and shared their progress photos on Instagram and via email. It’s been so wonderful to see the stunning quilts and blocks that you have all produced! It really gives me such a buzz to see the way you have made the pattern your own, from the fabric selection, to the quilting and everything in between.
Here’s a preview of my completed Forest Family Quilt made with Tilda Maple Farm. I’m really happy with the end result!

Last week we talked about binding. I love the way this white binding contrasts with the quilt borders but ties in with the corners and backing fabric of the blocks. I feel like the binding brings everything together.

And the patchwork backing pulls everything together too.

I loved following the quilt along time line to make my second version of this quilt. It helped me keep on track and get it completed in the eight weeks. If you didn’t join the quilt along live, but would like to follow the eight week timeline, you can still sign up to receive the emails. These are just weekly prompts that remind you to visit the blog for the more detailed content. The quilt along blog posts will remain on the blog and you can visit all of them at any time. Just use THIS LINK or visit the Forest Family Quilt Along Tab in the sidebar menu.

Over the last eight weeks we have talked about fabric selection, techniques for appliqué and embroidery, making quilt blocks, assembling a quilt top, quilting and binding too. Whilst all of these topics were focussed on the Forest Family Quilt, it’s so wonderful that these skills are transferable, not only to other appliqué quilting projects, but bigger quilts too! That’s why I love hosting sew along events so much!

Here’s a couple of my favourite projects shared during the sew along.
Ally even made a matching cushion for hers!

I love the way Jen played with fun, non-traditional colours for her gorgeous version.

Amy also had fun with colour and print! Isn’t this quilt top vibrant and cheerful?

If you’d like to know when the next Molly and Mama sew along is starting, be sure to sign up for the fortnightly newsletter. You’ll also receive information about pattern releases, discount codes and free tutorials and projects. Here’s the LINK.
Thanks so much for joining me. Happy stitching, Lauren x