Introducing the ‘Festive Felties’ Pattern for One Thimble
Working on new pattern designs is one of my favourite things to do. So when Jen from One Thimble Magazine asked if I’d be interested in creating a felt pattern for her second birthday Christmas edition, I jumped at the chance. After lots of brainstorming, preliminary sketching, prototypes, and playing around, the ‘Festive Felties’ were born.
The ‘Festive Felties‘ are comprised of three completely hand stitched felt designs; a Reindeer, a Christmas Cupcake and a cute Mouse wearing a santa hat! You can use these felties to create hanging Christmas ornaments, hair accessories, or gift tags for presents.
Like all Molly and Mama projects, this pattern is also designed with the beginner in mind. I love to use lots of photos and step-by-step instructions. I avoid complicated sewing jargon and just explain things in an easy-to-follow way. So even if you haven’t tried something like this before, you’d be surprised as what you could achieve. And with a little bit of practice, you’ll be sewing up so much more than these little felties.
If you get stitching with the ‘Festive Felties’ pattern, be sure to share your creations on the Molly and Mama Facebook Page wall, or tag MollyandMama on Instagram with the hashtag #festivefelties. I love seeing your creations and sharing them on social media. It gives me such a buzz!
For more ‘Festive Felties’ inspiration, you can also visit the dedicated Pinterest board!
Pop by the tutorials page for more FREE Christmas sewing patterns and ideas.
Have fun and happy Stitching, Lauren x
This post was written by Lauren Wright and appeared first on Molly and Mama
Hi, I live in England so won’t get the magazine your cute Christmas felties are in.Is there some way I could just get your patterns please? Meryl
Hi Meryl, I have just listed the ‘Festive Felties’ for sale in the store. Here’s the link; Also, I just thought I would mention that One Thimble magazine is an online e-zine, so you can read it on your computer or other devices, and print the pattern pages that you need. Just in case you were interested in future issues. It’s a really lovely publication. Happy sewing, Lauren x