2024 Is All About Curiosity

Welcome to 2024 – a brand new year that is full of promise and opportunity! Every year I like to think about a word that will describe my focus or intentions for the coming 12 months.
Last year my word was JOY and it was something I was determined to bring to the forefront of everything I experienced. I really tried to make a conscious effort to bring joy, or to see the joy, in the simplest tasks, and the big jobs too. Last year was not without its challenges, and I guess that was true for most people. I mean, let’s face it, we can’t be a bundle of happiness all the time! But the best part of having that word for the year, was that it became the background or the reference point for everything I was doing. I kept reminding myself to find the joy in the smallest moments. And it really helped with the practice of gratitude.
This year my focus is a little different. The concept of being a life long learner has always resonated with me. So this year I want to bring an open, positive, and curious approach to learning new things. So my word of the year is CURIOSITY. And you can be sure there’ll be some joy and gratitude thrown in there too!
There’s so much to learn and work on when you’re running your own business and I have learnt so much over the last few years. But it can be easy to get stuck in the day to day tasks, and avoid the bigger jobs because they seem daunting or difficult – at least, it can be that way for me. I have some BIG PLANS for lots of new learning this year! So my intention is that when I am faced with a challenging project, job, or activity, I want to remember to approach it with a sense of curiosity, instead of overwhelm.
One way I keep track of all of my planning and learning is to keep a journal. I love having everything written down in one central location (and I’m still a pen and paper kind of person). I find that there’s nothing more special than starting a new year with a crisp, fresh note book, ready to fill with all my ideas and plans. Do you do that too?
I use a large A4 diary to keep track of all my important dates. But my notes are kept in a smaller journal that is easier to throw in my bag. Below is a photo of my Hexagon Reflections Journal Cover which is perfectly sized to fit an A5 notebook. You can find the pattern for this project in my store. I love this book cover because it just makes my note taking more fun and appealing. Does that sound silly?
As an added bonus, I have a free download for you to make the matching bookmark for the notebook cover (pictured below). It’s a great introduction to sewing with hexagons and it’s the perfect scrap busting project. You can access it HERE. It’s my way of saying thanks for joining my mailing list (you can opt out at any time).
I hope you find the bookmark and the journal cover useful. I always find it easier to write and plan when I am using pretty and inspiring things!

I’m really looking forward to planning and working on my goals for 2024, whilst keeping the concept of CURIOSITY at the front of my mind. Do you choose a word of the year? I feel like it helps me to be more thoughtful. It also affects my mindset, so I’m thinking more positively. When your word feels right, I think it provides focus and clarity around what you’re doing and what your intentions are.
Please leave a comment to let me know if you’ve selected your own word for 2024. I’d love to hear what it is. There are so many inspiring ideas out there and we can all learn so much from each other.
I hope all of your plans and goals for 2024 come to fruition. Wishing you all the very best!

2024 word for the year: Adventurous – willing to take risks to try new methods, ideas and/or experiences
That sounds like a great guiding theme for the year to come Pamela! Thanks for sharing.
Your choice of the word “curiosity” really resonates with me. I’m not really a resolution person either, but I like the concept of a guide word for the year. As a self-employed marketing writer in the energy and construction industry, curiosity is an essential part of what I do—but it sometimes gets buried in the stress of deadlines, the complexity of information to convey, or the creative challenge of the writing itself. So thanks for sharing your word and your beautiful projects, patterns and designs. What new joys will our curiosity in 2024 reveal?
I feel the same way Susan. Thanks for sharing your experience and leaving a comment. I’m sure 2024 has lots of curious things in store for us!