Spring Time Inspiration
I wrote a post like this last year, to show you the beauty that can be found in my home town at this time of year. I live just outside the city of Toowoomba in Queensland, Australia. It’s on a mountain range, so has beautiful summers and cool winters. And we’re blessed with perfect conditions to grow beautiful gardens.
I spend a lot of time in my own garden. But it cannot compare to the prize winning gardens found around town for the annual ‘Carnival of Flowers’ festival.
Now I’m no photographer, but I wanted to snap these pics to try and convey the colour and the texture in these beautiful blooms. It’s breathtaking and spectacular! So I hope you can get a sense of that!
Flowers have always been an inspiration to me. And spending time in the garden has always been a therapeutic pastime.
It helps me feel grounded, centred and ready to think creatively! So it’s the perfect activity to help me sew, make and create!
Where do you get your creative inspiration from? Do you love the outdoors? Do you visit galleries, spend time with pets and animals, or enjoy the company of loved ones?
We love taking the kids with us every year to see the Carnival gardens. And Miss Coco loves to pose with pretty flowers! It’s always fun to see the joy it gives them too.
Spring is a sight to behold here! And it’s a bit magical being amongst these blooms.
Flowers often have a place in my work. Last Spring I was inspired to create this pin cushion, and I always came back to this free tutorial. Perhaps you’ll like it too?
Thanks for being here. I hope I’ve brought you a little bit of inspiration today.
Happy creating, Lauren x
This post was written by Lauren Wright and appeared first on Molly and Mama http://www.MollyandMama.com.au