‘A Stitch In Time’ Book Tour
I think joining book tours would have to be one of my most favourite things about blogging. Today is my turn to showcase Sharon Burgess’ new book ‘A Stitch in Time‘. I met the lovely Sharon from Lilabelle Lane Creations online when we were both working on our first books with Tuva Publishing. She was a wonderful source of support and advice. I just love that our shared love of sewing and English paper piecing has brought us together and I’m looking forward to meeting her in person very soon!
Sharon’s first book ‘Quilting on the Go‘ was all about EPP (English paper piecing), fussy cutting and bold colours and patterns. Being a pastel person, that book taught me so much about stepping out of my comfort zone. You can read all about my makes on the book tour HERE.
Her second book ‘A Stitch in Time: English Paper Piecing‘ sees Sharon return to her roots. Her focus is still on her first love, EPP. But in the beautiful pages of this book, you’ll find 18 projects that combine her other loves; vintage linens, embroidery, appliqué, patchwork and quilting. You can see why we get along, right?
The cover of Sharon’s book drew me in immediately. I couldn’t wait to devour the pretty pages. I did what I do when any new book arrives, and went straight to the project gallery pages. All eighteen projects are laid out and it makes it really easy to see what patterns are included. I was immediately drawn to the mouse pin cushions on page 74.
Here’s Mummy Rosie Mouse who is really just the sweetest little pin cushion I have seen in ages. My nine year old daughter has already claimed her and I’m not surprised. There are two different sized mice in the book and this is the larger one. Sharon’s instructions call for an English paper pieced panel on the back of the mouse. But to be honest, I was a little time poor this month. I had a hexie ‘cheater’ print in my stash that I had been saving for a special project and now seemed like the perfect chance to use it. I didn’t add the little pocket under the mouse for the scissors either, but just created a single mouse base from the same cheater print. I think she still turned out ok?
I love the little details that Sharon suggested we add. The embroidery around the face is darling! And because I didn’t piece the back panel with EPP, I embroidered my own little hexie and appliquéd it to the side of Mummy Rosie. The template came from the centre of the Sweet Daisy Baby Quilt project on page 96. Then because I had so much fun with that sweet little hexie, I decided to embroider another. That led to me making the full EPP daisy from the baby quilt pattern. I would have dearly loved to have created the entire quilt (and I have it on my list to make) but I opted to use the flower on a smaller project instead.
After embroidering the centre hexie, I made the specially designed EPP petal shapes with my favourite Liberty prints. Don’t they go beautifully together? The peachy floral is a special vintage scrap that was gifted to me by my Aunty Judy. I save all those pretty little pieces and use them in special projects, because every little scrap of Liberty is precious!
I loved the look of Sharon’s ‘With Love Liberty Gift Bag’ on page 134. But instead of adding the reverse appliqué heart to the bag design, I used the Sweet Daisy instead. Then I followed the rest of the instructions included for the gift bag. It ended up such a sweet and pretty project! And it looks gorgeous here teamed with my Sleepy Cloud pin cushion.
This little gift bag will make a terrific addition to my present box. Do you have one of those? A place where you store all the sweet little things you make or buy, until they’re ready to be gifted to the perfect person? I’d be lost without my present box!
Tomorrow head to Buttons and Butterflies to see what Heidi has created for her stop on the tour. And drop by Mister Domestic’s blog to see the Little Miss Sweetness Bag that Mathew made for his daughter and shared yesterday.
Thanks for stopping by. Feel free to stay a little longer to check out my tutorials, or store, if you’re new. Enjoy!
Happy stitching, Lauren x
This post was written by Lauren Wright and appeared first on Molly and Mama http://www.MollyandMama.com.au
These are all so pretty. I have her first book and now need to buy the second too. x